This web site is moving to an new host soon!

Many of you are aware that in December 2006 and January 2007, my web pages were down for a few days. But, even worse, my email was down for over ONE WEEK in December and nearly one week in January.

I don't know about you, but that SUCKED for me! I will be moving my web sites to a different web host, very soon! In fact, I will be moving to TWO DIFFERENT web hosts! I haven't worked out all of the details yet, but both web sites will be maintained to be nearly as identical as possible. So, if one is down, you can just go to the other one.

This will double the cost of running my web sites, but I think it's worth it!

I will also have two email addresses, one on each of the new web hosts. So, you will send all of my email to both email addresses. It aught to be nearly impossible for both email addresses to screw up at the same time.

The two web hosts will be in two different states, so even hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos won't knock both of them out at the same time!


Last modified: Wednesday, 2007-Feb-21 04:14:33 PM CST
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